These are teaching ideas that I've used in the classroom:
1. Made sunshines out of yellow and orange construction paper
2. For the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho: made horns out of rolled up paper to resemble the horns used in the story
3. Made paper fans and focusing on each folded section being a rectangle
4. Made crowns out of colored paper after we had studied hats and other articles of clothing
5. Had an afternoon playing in the sprinkler and with water balloons
6. For the story of Noah: used animal masks and acted out the story, and made arks out of construction paper
7. For the story of Moses and the Red Sea: parted two of the sections of the blue table and had the kids go through the two table sections as if they were crossing the Red Sea
8. Made glasses out of pipe cleaners
9. For the story of Jonah: made fish out of paper bags and also made a tent out of chairs and blankets and went underneath to be Jonah in the sea, then wrapped each kid in a blanket as if they were being swallowed by the fish
10. Had fun popping bubble wrap
11. Did face painting
12. For the parable of the lost sheep: made a lamb out of empty toilet paper rolls by gluing a lamb's face to the front and a pipe cleaner in the back for a tail, and putting cotton balls around the toilet paper roll
13. For the story of Jacob and Esau: made hairy arms like Esau's by gluing yarn to paper that could be taped around the kids arms, and "cooked" (more like mixed vegetables together) to be like Jacob cooking the food that Esau traded his birthright for
14. Made snakes by twisting 2 pipe cleaners around each other, gluing eyes on, and twisting a Q-tip (colored red) around the pipe cleaners for the snake's tongue
15. For the story of Daniel: colored the face of a lion whose mouth can open and shut, and face painted whiskers on the kids so they could pretend to be lions, stuck a lion picture on their foreheads, and let them be growling lions in the den while Daniel was lowered into it (off the porch and onto the ground behind the preschool)
16. Made paper airplanes
17. For the story of Jesus walking on the water: had a bucket of water and hoisted the kids up to place their feet just on the surface of the water so they could 'walk on water' too
Philippines – August 2024
5 months ago