This is a list of words I've learned in Arabic. The spelling may not be correct since Arabic has a completely different alphabetic system, but the words will appear as they sound to me. Enjoy learning some new words! (Oh and KH makes a guttural throat sound, which is very hard to do).
1. zero - sifr
2. one - wahed
3. two - itneen
4. three - taleta
5. four - arba
6. five - khamsa
7. six - sitta
8. seven - saba
9. eight - tamenia
10. nine - tisa
11. ten - ashara
12. yes - aywa
13. no - la (or la-a)
14. thank you - shokran
15. please - min fadluk
16. good morning - sabah al-khayr
17. goodbye - ma salama
18. I - ana
19. hard - gamut
20. new - gadida
21. beautiful - gamila
22. what's this? - eda?
23. mommy - mama
24. daddy - baba
25. Jesus - Baba Jesua (pronounced Yesua)
26. God willing - inshallah
27. praise the Lord or thank God - hamdu le
28. sun - shams
29. finished - halas
30. ok - meshi
31. let's go - yalla
32. my love - habibi (male)/habibti (female)
33. look - buhsy ('UH' is pronounced the same as the double OO's in the word book)
34. by the way - ala fikra
35. tomorrow - bokra
36. day - naharda
37. clean - nyeemen
38. hello - zayik (informal), ahlan (formal)
39. pasta - macarona
40. bread - aysh
41. chocolate - shocalata
42. sandwich - sandawich
43. church - kaneesa
44. why? - le? (pronounced lay)
45. how are you? - hamle eh? (pronounced om la eh)
45. fine - coiesa (pronouned coy eh sa, in response to someone asking how are you?)
46. half - nous (pronounced nuhce, again, 'UH' sounds like the double OO's in book)
Philippines – August 2024
5 months ago