Before I left for Egypt I observed a preschool to prepare myself for my year of teaching. I was struck by the fact that kids say such interesting things, and then got the idea to have a page on my blog where I put quotes from the preschool children if they say funny things. It's a little hard to get a lot of good ones since they speak mostly in Arabic and I don't really understand the language, but I have the help of my fellow teacher to translate for me if need be.
Quotes from the Sunshine Preschool children:
1. Me: "Who can tell me what happened in worship yesterday?" Bibo: "She (pointing to Miss Eriny) was sitting over there" (instead of where she was sitting this day).
2. Manal: "Why is the stuffed doll wet?" Miro: "She needed a bath."
3. Me: "What song do you want to sing for worship Kimo?" Kimo: "Pink." (I asked if it was a song we had sung for worship before and he said yes. Then he pointed to a pink decoration on the wall and said "Pink" again. Finally I asked if it was With Jesus in the Family and he said yes.)
4. My student Shady got to be the weather man one day and look out the door to see what the weather was like. "What's the weather like today Shady?" I asked. "Rainy," he answered. The sun was shining down quite obviously. "Why do you think it's rainy?" I asked him. "Look," he said as he pointed at a puddle on the ground made from clothes hanging out to dry at the apartment above us. I thought he was pretty clever to notice that and the dripping water droplets when I didn't even notice it at all.
Quotes from the preschool I observed at home before I left for Egypt:
1. "One time I cut my jacket so I lost my home scissors. Come on Mom, give me back my scissors!"
2. "I never listen to my mom and dad so I gotta start listening."
3. "Yeah, my daddy sweats a lot."
Philippines – August 2024
5 months ago